gratitude Jen Wewers gratitude Jen Wewers

Growing up, Graduation, and Gratitude

Dear Friends and Family,

Max has graduated high school! I still can’t believe it. So many of you have had a hand in raising this boy.

For those of you who were with me during the early and sometimes dark periods of new motherhood, thank you.

You, who joined me at Tompkins Square Park and celebrated birthdays of my bright blond boy in very small NYC spaces, thank you.

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gratitude, lessons Jen Wewers gratitude, lessons Jen Wewers

Spending Time in the Weeds

It's been a few years since I've spent so much time in my yard planting flowers, battling hungry rabbits, and weeding. Lots of weeding. I haven't mulched the backyard flowers yet and it's almost July. In Kansas. It wasn't intentional this no mulching non decision that by default became a decision. 

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